Dear Friends,
The Lanterman Coalition’s campaign to save our community services is off to an exciting start.
Thanks to the coordinated advocacy of literally thousands of you all over California and some of us in the Capitol, we have most legislators’ attention now. And 35 senators and assemblymembers have agreed to sign the letter supporting a 10% emergency funding increase to stop the service system from collapsing.
Now we’ve at the next stage – asking everyone to pick up the phone and make two calls, one to your local state senator and one to your assemblymember, to ask them to sign the letter. (Here is the link , though you might have to cut and past it: http://www.arcanet.org/docs/Beall-19-Feb-10-Letter.pdf.)
If you want some suggestions on who to call, what to say, and what do after the call, click here for some ideas and helpful tips. Below you will also find the list of the legislators who have agreed to sign as of 4 p.m. Friday.
Simple, isn’t it? Can you make two calls in the next two weeks?
Thank you for your advocacy.
Andrea Erickson
OPARC President/CEO
PS. Please forward this Action Alert to everyone you know who might care about people with developmental disabilities as much as you do.
Who Has Agreed to Sign the Beall Letter So Far?
Jim Beall
Carol Liu
Lois Wolk
Cathleen Galgiani
Fran Pavley
Andy Vidak
Jeff Stone
Joel Anderson
Tony Mendoza
Loni Hancock
Jerry Hill
Robert Hertzberg
Marty Block
Patricia Bates
Mike Morrell
Connie Leyva
Bob Huff
Kansen Chu
Susan Bonilla
Jim Frazier
Katcho Achadjian
Das Williams
Catharine Baker
Brian Maienschein
Jacqui Irwin
Luis Alejo
Brian Jones
Mark Stone
Matt Dababneh
Shannon Grove
David Hadley
Marie Waldron
Mike Gatto
Rudy Salas
Jim Wood