Legislative News and Updates
Any of the services that people enjoy today is a direct result of decades of advocacy and support. All funding of intellectual and developmental disabilities services, from day programs to employment to social security, come from a government source and are directed by state and federal legislation. OPARC remains a strong voice on behalf of people with IDD and we encourage everyone to join us in helping the voices of this vulnerable population to be heard.
OPARC is a member of CDSA and ACCSES, who lobby on behalf of people with disabilities.
The future depends on what you do today.
– Mahatma Ghandi

Dear Friends, The Lanterman Coalition’s campaign to save our community services is off to an exciting start. Thanks to the coordinated advocacy of literally thousands of you all over California and some…
Suggestions and Tips for Your Calls You might know your legislators a lot better than I do and not need any suggestions from me. This is for those who want…

The Achieving a Better Life Experience(ABLE Act) recently passed. ABLE allows tax free savings for disability expenses. To read more, click the link below! Thanks! Andrea Erickson OPARC President/CEO